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Systematic discovery of neoepitope–HLA pairs for neoantigens shared among patients and tumor types

In a groundbreaking study by Gurung et. al, researchers expanded the repertoire of shared neoantigens and HLA complexes, potentially revolutionizing cancer therapeutics. Using a high-throughput platform, scientists identified 844 unique neoepitope-HLA pairs, a significant breakthrough that offers valuable insights and resources for future targeting immunotherapies.

These findings address a critical limitation in cancer treatments by increasing the pool of validated neoepitopes-HLA pairs. The innovative platform screened over 24,000 possible combinations, resulting in 844 stable pairs that hold promise for antigen processing and targeted therapies. Additionally, engineered HLA monoallelic cell lines were analysed using untargeted and targeted LC-MS/MS resulting in 86 neoepitope-HLA pairs. These were further investigated for immunogenic potential. While some challenges remain, this research represents a major stride toward understanding neoepitope presentation and the development of cutting-edge cancer treatments.

The 25 cm Ionopticks columns were instrumental in this study, enabling the precise separation and analysis of 86 unique neoepitope-HLA pairs. Their high-resolution capabilities allowed for accurate identification and quantification of these critical complexes, contributing significantly to the success of the research.

Published in Nature Biotechnology, 2023


H. R. Gurung; A. J. Heidersbach; M. Darwish; P. P. F. Chan; J. Li; M. Beresini; O. A. Zill; A. Wallace; A.-J. Tong; D. Hascall; E. Torres; A. Chang; K.H.W Lou; Y. Abdolazimi; C. Hammer; A. X. Magalhães; A. Marcu; S. Vaidya; D. D. Le; I. Akhmetzyanova; S. A. Oh; A. J. Moore; U. N. Uche; M. B. Laur; R. J. Notturno; P. J. R. Ebert; C. Blanchette; B. Haley; C M. Rose


Systematic discovery of neoepitope–HLA pairs for neoantigens shared among patients and tumor types


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